Irina Kareva, PhD

Associate Director, Quantitative Pharmacology
EMD Serono, Billerica, MA 

My work is focused on fit-for-purpose mechanistic modeling of compounds primarily in immunology and immuno-oncology to enable rational, safe and efficacious First-in-Human (FIH) dose projections. (For a general introduction on how mathematical modeling can be applied to answering biological questions, you can check out my TED talk.)

I also conduct personal research in the areas of cancer biology, immunology, metabolism, evolution, ecology, or any other biological topic that catches my attention and poses an interesting question, and which may lend itself to being answered with mathematical modeling.

I do research with my parents, who are both mathematicians. While we have very different subspecialties, being able to work with them professionally is one of the greatest fortunes of my life.

In addition to being a scientist, I am a classically trained singer. No, I don't know why math and music go so well together but they most certainly do.